Fiche mise à jour le 26/03/2021
202024013U : GEIC2O Genetic and Environmental Interactions in COPD, Cystic fibrosis and Other (rare) respiratory diseases - Equipe interne


1 responsable ne souhaite pas publier ses coordonnées.

Adresse : 8 rue du Général Sarrail 94010 Créteil
Descriptif : The general scientific objective of GEIC2O team is to understand the interplay between genetic and environmental factors in the development of lung diseases throughout the life (namely from children to adults). We particularly focus on lung diseases of non-genetic (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD) and genetic (Cystic Fibrosis and surfactant disorders) origins. The large pluridisciplinarity of GEIC2O team staff comprising MD (lung specialists – adult and pediatricians, occupational medicine, geneticists, ear/nose/throat specialists, and lung pathologist) as well as PhD (in cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry, genetic, bioinformatics and respiratory physiology) allows us to develop a comprehensive scientific approach ranging from in vitro experimental work to preclinical models and patient cohorts.
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) de rattachement : non renseignée
Rattachée au(x) thème(s) de recherche suivant(s): non renseigné
Liens avec d'autres structures :
Participe à :
Année de création : 2020
Site ESR : Aucun
Classement scientifique ERC : non renseigné.
Domaine scientifique :
  • 5 : Biologie, médecine et santé 2020

 UPEC - Université Paris est Créteil Val de Marne
(établissement tutelle à partir de 2020)
Etablissement référent
  • Filiation
    Structure(s) mère(s) :
    • 201521859Z - Molecular genetics of cystic fibrosia and surfactant associated disorders (fusion)
    • 201521858Y - Genetic and Environmental Interactions in COPD, Cystic fibrosis and Other (rare) respiratory diseases (fusion)
  • Libellé(s) de structure
    • 26/03/2021 : GEIC2O