Fiche mise à jour le 22/10/2014


Adresse : Université de Nantes - UFR d'Odontologie 1, Place Alexis Ricordeau 44042 NANTES CEDEX 01
Site :
Descriptif : Aucun
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) de rattachement : non renseignée
Rattachée au(x) thème(s) de recherche suivant(s): non renseigné
Liens avec d'autres structures :
Année de création : 2008
Année de fermeture : 2016
Site ESR : Aucun
Classement scientifique ERC :
  • LS3 : Cellular, Developmental and Regenerative Biology : Structure and function of the cell, cell-cell communication, embryogenesis, tissue differentiation, organogenesis, growth, development, evolution of development, organoids, stem cells, regeneration, therapeutic approaches
  • LS7 : Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Diseases : Medical technologies and tools for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, therapeutic approaches and interventions, pharmacology, preventative medicine, epidemiology and public health, digital medicine
Domaine scientifique :
  • 8 : Sciences pour l'ingénieur 2008
  • 5 : Biologie, médecine et santé 2006

 INSERM - Institut national de la sante et de la recherche medicale (U 791)
(établissement tutelle à partir de 2006)
 ONIRIS NANTES ATLANTIQUE - Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (ONIRIS) (U 791)
(établissement tutelle à partir de 2012)
 CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique (U 791)
(établissement participant à partir de 2012)
  • Filiation
    Structure(s) fille(s) :
    • 201722762X - Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton (renouvellement)
  • Libellé(s) de structure
    • 04/04/2012 : UMR_S791
  • Responsable
  • Label et Numéro d'établissement
    • 04/04/2012 : U 791
      CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique (U 791)
    • 04/04/2012 : U 791
      ONIRIS NANTES ATLANTIQUE - Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (ONIRIS) (U 791)
    • 06/03/2012 : U 791
      INSERM - Institut national de la sante et de la recherche medicale (U 791)
  • Classement scientifique ERC
    • 2008 - 2011 : LS2- Integrative Biology: from Genes and Genomes to Systems : Genetics, epigenetics, genomics and other ‘omics studies, bioinformatics, systems biology, genetic diseases, gene editing, innovative methods and modelling, ‘omics for personalised medicine
    • 2008 - 2011 : LS7- Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Diseases : Medical technologies and tools for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, therapeutic approaches and interventions, pharmacology, preventative medicine, epidemiology and public health, digital medicine
    • 2006 - 2007 : LS7- Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Diseases : Medical technologies and tools for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, therapeutic approaches and interventions, pharmacology, preventative medicine, epidemiology and public health, digital medicine
    • 2008 - 2011 : LS6- Immunity, Infection and Immunotherapy : The immune system, related disorders and their mechanisms, biology of infectious agents and infection, biological basis of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, innovative immunological tools and approaches, including therapies
    • 2008 - 2011 : LS1- Molecules of Life: Biological Mechanisms, Structures and Functions : Molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, molecular biophysics, synthetic and chemical biology, drug design, innovative methods and modelling
    • 2008 - 2011 : PE8- Products and Processes Engineering : Product and process design, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical, vehicle engineering, energy processes and relevant computational methods
  • Etablissements
    • 2006 - 2016 : NANTES- Université Nantes